We are nearing the end of the 2018-2019 Rotary year, but there is still time to make sure you have submitted any makeups - or get busy doing a makeup
What is a makeup? Any Rotary service effort, any planning meeting, any committee work, any meeting at another Rotary club, any District training, any social gathering, basically anytime there are 3 Rotarians together for "Service Above Self" it counts!
Why is it important? Attendance is a great way to measure club member engagement. By attending meetings you increase your appreciation for our community, discover serving opportunities, support other community professionals, and just plain become a better person.
How do I report one? Send an email to the Club Administrator: edinamorningsiderotary@gmail.com
How do I find out what my attendance is? Login to ClubRunner or check the app

Here is a list of members who are just a few makeups away from perfect attendance. You may already have enough, do you have any makeups to report? Camp E? Brewtarian? Membership Committee? Highway Cleanup, etc.
Humphrey, Andrea 78.38 %
Brindle, Mary 81.08 %
Brown, Jay 81.08 %
Moore, Casey 81.08 %
Mimick, Gerry 83.33 %
Schilling, Annie 83.87 %
Andersen, Mike 86.49 %
Moore, Mark 86.49 %
Smith, Maureen 86.49 %
Adamek, Brian 87.50 %
Hogan, Cathy 90.32 %
Lund, Susan 91.89 %
Lyon, Steve 91.89 %
Vitale, Brandon 91.89 %
Wendt, Dave 91.89 %
Crockett, Dick 94.59 %
Hunt, Daniel 94.59 %
Bizal, Jim 97.30 %
Jackson, Carolyn 97.30 %