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As a club committee member, you help make Edina Morningside Rotary Club a successful, thriving and fun place. 
Edina Morningside Rotary Club members serve on teams that fulfill Rotary’s 7 Areas of Focus:
Promote Peace
Fight Disease
Provide Clean Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Save Mothers and Children
Support Education
Grow Local Economies
Supporting the Environment
Got an Idea for a New Committee? 
If you are passionate about something, why not share your passion with others?
Examples: Climate Action, Senior Citizen Needs, Habitat for All, and more.

Edina Morningside Rotary Club members service is aligned with Rotary’s 7 Areas of Focus
Club Service: Mary Brindle
Meeting support including duty roster, greeters, ambassadors (check in table), special meetings (holiday party, foundation fair).
Community ServiceSadia Ali, Steve Schmitt
Develop and lead local service projects that address our community's needs, connect with local organizations (VEAP backpacks, Highway Clean Up, Junior Police, 363, special collections, Warm Heads/Hands/Hearts)
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion:  Carolyn Jackson
In the words of Rotary International Past President Jennifer Jones, "In Rotary, we celebrate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). It does not matter who you are, who you love, how you worship, whether you have a disability, or what culture or country you are from. What matters is that you want to strengthen communities and take action to create lasting change."
Fund Raising: Jim Bizal
Plan and manage fund raising activities (sponsorships, donations, auctions) aligned with club events (golf tournament, Pints for People)
International Service: Jim Bizal, Jeremy Newhouse 
Identify resources to develop international projects and design large and small local and international grants. Leverage local connections between Rotary clubs to give a project greater impact through collaboration, creating a network of local support. Project partners could include other Rotary clubs and Rotaract clubs and organizations with expertise and resources needed to accomplish a project's goals.
Membership: Erica Stern
Coordinate recruitment, on-boarding, orientation and retention of club members. 
Programs: Jay Brown, Betsy Kumagai
Schedule speakers for weekly programs that inform and entertain.
Public Image/Website: John Pastor, Maureen Smith
Present the club's image to the community. Promote the club's speakers and activities. Keep the club website up to date. Coordinate public image with Social Media team.
Social: Mike Andersen 
Ensure that all club members are having fun. Plan a variety of social events for club members, guests, families. (Club family picnic, Brewtarians, Bunny's)
Social Media:
Promote Rotary to the public to further understanding, appreciation and support for our Rotary in Edina. (Facebook, Linked In)
The Rotary Foundation: Norm Siekman
When you give to The Rotary Foundation, you fuel our service projects - projects that eradicate polio, promote peace, and improve developing communities.
Vocational Service: Sophia Pham, Don Archibeque
Rotary brings together business and professional leaders to exchange ideas, develop relationships and improve teams. (Monthly Career-Focused Vocational Gathering at the The District Edina, Fireside Chats, Rotary in the Workplace)
Youth Exchange/Youth Service: Liisa Schmitt
Empower young people to develop leadership skills while promoting peace through multi-generational relationships. 